
Always at Your service


Tubulars, Drillpipe, HWDP, Drill Collars, XOs, Subs, Handling and Pup Joints, Valves, Downhole & Handling equipment and more.


Make & Break Services, Inspection, Sales, Cleaning and more.

About us

A world class rental and service organization within the oil & gas industry.

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Welcome to IOT Norway

IOT Norway is a service organization supporting the Oil & Gas industry as well as Renewables and Geothermal projects. Our main activity is rental of drilling equipment and test strings including accessories. As an Independent service provider, we operate as a very flexible organisation with a close relationship to our clients and partners. With in-house expertise covering a wide range of services, we also solve your challenges through our global network of partners and suppliers. “Always at your service” is IOT’s vision, and we pride ourselves with having the fastest response times in the industry.